Spot rubber closed steady on Monday. The market opened weak but regained the losses later on covering purchases at lower levels. According to observers, the prices managed to sustain at the prevailing levels on supply concerns though sharp declines in the Japanese futures and a weak closing on the National Multi Commodity Exchange kept it under pressure during the day. Sheet rubber finished unchanged at Rs 194 a kg according to traders. The grade slipped to Rs 194.25 (194.50) a kg both at Kottayam and Kochi as reported by the Rubber Board.

In futures, the May series weakened to Rs 191 (192.36), June to Rs 195.30 (197.06), July to Rs 198.29 (201.13) , August to Rs 199 (202.01) and September to Rs 199.90 (201.00) a kg on NMCE.

RSS 3 (spot) dropped to Rs 202.21 (202.84) a kg at Bangkok. The May futures declined to ¥266 (Rs 179.79) from ¥270 during the day session and then to ¥258.9 (Rs 174.99) in the night session on the Tokyo Commodity Exchange.

Spot rates (Rs/kg): RSS-4: 194 (194); RSS-5: 192.50 (193); ungraded: 189 (189); ISNR 20: 193.50 (193.50) and latex 60 per cent: 125 (125).