The Tamil Nadu Government expects the foodgrain output in 2012-13 to increase to 120 lakh tonnes compared with the estimated 106 lakh tonnes last year.

It has announced a set of programmes including higher area of cultivation, productivity increase, soil health, water supply and input management to achieve the higher target.

According to the policy note on agriculture tabled in the Assembly, the State Government's site-specific systems to ensure that at least a part of the fallow lands are brought under cultivation by increasing irrigation resources.

To increase the productivity, a detailed soil survey is being done to suggest suitable cropping systems and fertiliser application.

Foodgrains output refers to the total output of rice, millets and pulses. The State Government has announced crop-specific plans to increase the output of all these crops.

These include: a rice intensification technique for paddy, which is based on optimal application of water and other inputs to bring down cost of cultivation while increasing output; System of Millet Intensification and increasing area under millets; and improved pulses production by promoting cultivation of pulses as a pure crop.

Similar initiatives are planned for other major crops including sugarcane, cotton and oilseeds.

The State Government will encourage farm mechanisation to address labour shortage.

Machinery will be purchased and hired out to farmers, subsidy will be provided to farmers, farmers' groups and self-help groups to buy agriculture machines and equipment.

The Agriculture Minister, Mr S. Damodaran, announced that the State Government will soon clear the production of ethanol by sugar mills. Ethanol will be supplied for blending with automobile fuel. This will benefit the sugar mills and in turn the sugarcane farmers in terms of cane prices.