India’s wheat production is unlikely to drop from the estimated record high of 112.18 million tonnes (mt) despite unseasonal rains lashing many parts of the growing regions, according to an official assessment. However, wary over a possibility of drop in yield or lower realisation by farmers, the government has advised not to harvest in a hurry.

About 10 per cent damage is estimated in those areas that were affected by lodging after hailstorms and high-velocity winds in last few weeks, according to Agriculture Commissioner PK Singh. However, he said the rain has helped improve yield in the late-sown crop in regions where there have been no hailstorms and strong winds.

High moisture

According to Gyanendra Singh, Director of Karnal-based Indian Institute of Wheat and Barley Research (IIWBR), wheat production could have gone to 115-116 mt this year had there been no unseasonal rains as the crop was in good condition everywhere. “We advise farmers to keep the crop get dried on the field as with high moisture the harvest will not get the normal rate. There is even a chance of damage if it remains with high moisture for a long time,” the director said.

He said currently there are reports of 20-22 per cent moisture and it will come down to 10-12 per cent in the field itself after which wheat can be harvested.

Almost entire North-west and Central India, where wheat is grown, have been receiving unseasonal rains accompanied by hailstorms and gusty winds sporadically in past few weeks due to the Western disturbances.

On Monday, the agriculture commissioner reviewed the crop situation with officials of the major wheat-growing States. The country had wheat acreage of over 34 million hectares (mh) this year.

MP, Rajasthan harvest

In Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan, 80 per cent of the wheat crop has been harvested and the damage could be minimal there. The worry is about 75 per cent area in Uttar Pradesh, Punjab and Haryana which had early or timely sowing, officials said.

State governments have reportedly informed the Centre about crop damage in 0.52 million hectares in Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh while Punjab and Haryana are yet to convey the actual damage to the wheat crop. Even in those damaged areas, the extent is not more than 15 per cent, officials said.