Weakness in rupee, which makes imports costlier, kept edible oils steady except palmolein which increased by ₹1 per 10 kg on Monday despite bearish futures amid limited demand. During the day, about 1,100 tonnes palmolein was sold at ₹715-716.

Liberty: Palmolein Ex Shapur ₹745 for March. Super palmolein ₹770 for March and Sunflower refined oil ₹790 for March. Allana: Palmolein Ex JNPT ₹735 for March and Ex Khapoli ₹745 for April. Soyabean refined oil ₹775 for April and Sunflower refined oil ₹800 for March. Ruchi: Soya oil ₹780 for 25 March and Sunflower refi.oil ₹775 for 25 March. Golden agri : Palmolein ex JNPT ₹732 for 30 April and Ex STC ₹730 for 15 April. Soyabean prices were ex Mandi ₹3,600-3,700 and plant delivery ₹3,700-3,780. Soya oil was ₹735-740 and Soya refined oil was ₹765-770. At Rajkot, groundnut oil was steady for telia tin ₹1,290 (₹1,290) and loose (10 kg) ₹800 (₹800).

BCE spot rates (₹/10 kg): groundnut oil 850 (850), soya refined oil 765 (765), sunflower exp. ref. 710 (710), sunflower ref. 765 (765), rapeseed ref. oil 790 (790), rapeseed expeller ref. 760 (760), cottonseed ref. oil 760 (760) and Palmolein 717 (716).