Expressing concern over the prevalence of “adulterated coconut oil” in the market, the Cochin Oil Merchants Association (COMA) has requested the food safety authorities to prevent manufacturers outside the State from using the name ‘Kera’ or ‘Kerala’ in such oils.

COMA alleged that these oils contain less than 25 per cent of coconut and is mainly used in the production of hair oil and body lotions. The consumers should be made aware of the fact that such oils could not be used for edible oil purpose, Thalath Mahmood, president, COMA, said.

The use of name ‘Kera’ or ‘Kerala’ in such oils should be banned and the authorities should carry out random checking of these products sold in the market, he said.

He added that the arrival of adulterated coconut oil from outside Kerala is on the rise and in many cases liquid paraffin and palm kernel oil are blended. Many of the brands and loose coconut oil coming from other States are not subjected to any scrutiny at the production centres.

The Association requested the Food Safety and Standard Authority of India (FSSAI) to take immediate steps to test and control the marketing and sale of adulterated coconut oil.