Over 19.53 lakh kg (l kg) has been catalogued for Sale No: 20 of Coonoor Tea Trade Association auctions to be held on Thursday and Friday. This is the highest volume so far in calendar 2018, thanks to increased harvest following the recent favourable showers. This is as much as 4.55 l kg more than last week’s offer.

Of this, 11.93 l kg belongs to leaf grades,7.60 l kg dust grades, 18.17 l kg CTC variety and only 1.36 l kg, orthodox variety. The proportion of orthodox teas continues to be low in both leaf and dust grades. In the leaf counter, only 85,000 kg belongs to orthodox while 11.08 lakh kg, CTC. Among the dusts, only 51,000 kg belongs to orthodox while 7.09 lakh kg, CTC.