Spot rubber turned weak in the absence of genuine buyers on Friday. RSS 4 slid to ₹125.50 (126) a kg, according to traders. The grade closed unchanged at ₹125.50 as reported by the Rubber Board. The trend was mixed. April futures weakened to ₹126.75 (127.02), May to ₹129.60 (130.16) and June to ₹132 (132.70) on NMCE.

RSS 3 (spot) dropped to ₹114.42 (114.87) at Bangkok. Its March futures declined to ₹112.22 (113.91) on TOCOM.

Spot rubber rates (₹/kg) were: RSS-4: 125.50 (126); RSS-5: 123 (123.50); ISNR 20: 116 (116) and Latex (60% drc): 85.50 (85.50).