The Food and Consumer Affairs Minister, Mr K.V. Thomas, today said that the country’s sugar production could increase to 25 million tonnes in the 2011-12 marketing season (October-September), brightening the export prospects of the sweetener.

“We stick to our initial production estimate of 24.7 million tonnes. But the output can go up a little to 25 million tonnes,” Mr Thomas told reporters here today after meeting the Agriculture Minister, Mr Sharad Pawar.

India’s sugar production stood at 24.3 million tonnes in the 2010-11 marketing year.

“On the basis of production, we will soon work out a scheme so that some quantity can be exported,” he said.

The Food Ministry will work out the modalities for exports in the current year and will take up the proposal at the next Empowered Group of Ministers (EGoM) meeting.

Mr Thomas also said that sugar exports would be allowed in tranches.

In the 2010-11 marketing year, the government had allowed 2.6 mt exports.

On stock-holding limits for the sweetener, the Minister said: “We will lift the stock-holding limit on sugar and rice.”

At the last EGoM, the stock-holding limit on these two items was extended for two months till November.