The Information & Broadcasting Ministry on Tuesday asked print, electronic and digital media to not publish ads that directly or indirectly promote electronic cigarettes. It added that they should not promote e-cigarettes through any kind of advertisements, campaign, conclaves or events.

In an advisory sent to all industry bodies, the Ministry said that it came to its notice that a forum was recently used to promote electronic cigarettes in New Delhi which was organised by a media organisation. “Such an action is in violation of Section 4 of Prohibition of Electronic Cigarettes (Production, Manufacture, Import, Export, Transport, Sale, Distribution, Storage and Advertisement) Act 2019),” the Ministry stated. It added that the Act prohibits advertisements that directly or indirectly promote the use of electronic cigarettes.

The Ministry said that the print, electronic, and digital media entities are advised to ensure that the Act is “not contravened either by way of advertisement or any promotion or other campaigns etc.”

The Ministry has been issuing similar kind of advisories in recent times on publishing ads of betting or gambling sites.