A joint meeting of national level All India Road Transport Workers’ Federations has decided to go on strike on 30th April, 2015 against the Road Transport and Safety Bill 2015 at all India level and has served strike notices to concerned authorities on Wednesday and Thursday, said a release.

The workers of public transport corporations and private buses, auto-rickshaw, taxi, mini bus, lorries and trucks, driving school, auto-workshops and spare part shops, school and college bus will be on strike on the day. The drivers of Nagaland will also participate in the strike, it said.

On implementing the provisions of the bill, millions of drivers, conductors and other workers will lose their employment, the federations said.

All the road transport undertakings will be closed and the protections available under the existing Motor Vehicles Act will be withdrawn. The registration of Motor Vehicles, issuance of Fitness Certificate and Driving License will be outsourced to private parties.

The power of State governments will be withdrawn and the intention of Union Government to take over the entire core transport sector and to privatise the entire system by handing over to corporate, they feel.

AIRTW is affiliated to CITU, AITUC, INTUC, BMS, HMS, AICCTU and independent state unions, LPF (Tamil.Nadu), U.P. Roadways Karmachari Samyukt Parishad, Gujarat State Transport Workers Federation, NLO and Uttarakhand Roadways Karmachari Samyukt Parishad.