The coronavirus crisis has pushed the cold war between the United States and China to the forefront. Both countries have engaged in mudslinging as diplomatic ties sour between the two superpowers.

Now, the United States is bracing itself to take some additional action against China, the White House has maintained. The US has not yet revealed its plan for China yet, as per media reports.

White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany said on Wednesday: “I’m not going to get ahead of the President on what our actions on China will be, but you will be hearing about some upcoming actions that pertain to China. So, I can confirm that.”

McEnany hinted that the officials would take special measures against China in the coming days. She dropped the hints while responding to a question on recent statements made by top administration officials, including White House Chief of Staff, National Security Advisor, and Secretary of States.

. The US, on many occasions, has accused China of mishandling the Covid crisis and tucking the facts away from the world. China has the denied allegations.

US backs India

The US also extended support to India over its border issues with China, and the superpowers also sparred over the new Hong Kong rule put forth by China to monitor the semi-autonomous Hong Kong.

Recently, US National Security Advisor Robert O'Brien, while briefing themedia, said China has usurped Hong Kong by introducing the new security law.

Speaking to the media, he said: “We have Hong Kong that’s basically been annexed by the People’s Republic of China, by the Communist Party of China, and they are imposing their will on free and democratic people and not only are they doing it in Hong Kong they are using this Hong Kong law to try and impose their will extra-territorially.”

The bitterness of the relation has permeated the corporate world as well. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and O'Brien, on different occasions, said Donald Trump is looking very closely at TikTok, WeChat, and some of the other applications as they believe the Chinese government wantsto gather the private data of citizens.

“We are looking very closely at the apps,” said O'Brien, adding the President has already said that Hong Kong will no longer be treated as a separate entity, that it will be treated as part of China.

“So, there will be a number of regulations and a number of actions that take place to implement the President’s vision,” he said.

“I think you are going to see a significant rollout of measures with respect to China over the coming days and weeks. There’s no President that’s ever stood up to China the way President Donald Trump has. He was the first President to put a massive tariff on the Chinese to stop the trade imbalance,” he added.

“So, what the Chinese Communist Party is doing isn’t just in Hong Kong. It’s affecting all of you. It’s affecting how we operate in the United States and we can’t let that happen,” O'Brien told media.