Vodafone India has told the Department of Telecom that the decision to disallow extension of licences beyond 2014 will disrupt services for a majority of mobile users.

"The rejection of application shows that DoT has acted against public interest, as it will lead to disenfranchising 50-60 per cent of the market leading to disruption of services," Vodafone said in a letter to the DoT.

The DOT had rejected Vodafone India’s application to renew licences in three circles that are due for renewal in 2014.The incumbent GSM operator had received licences in 1994 with 20-year tenures. According to the DoT, the company should participate in spectrum auction and pay a price for spectrum if it wanted to continue operations.

Vodafone India, in its letter has questioned DoT’s version stating that the company had never asked extension for free and instead repeatedly requested DoT to propose new terms and condition for extension.