Fifty-three per cent of IT decision-makers (ITDM) are actively looking for a new job., according to a survey by Manage Engage, an enterprise IT management division of Zoho Corp.

ITDMs are looking beyond their current employer when it comes to their future, the ‘IT at Work: 2022 and Beyond’ study says. Sixty-seven per cent are more willing to make a risky career move than they were two years ago.

More than eight in 10 ITDMs agreed that their organisation should have supported them more in the last two years. Further, 52 per cent feel less loyalty to their employer than they did two years ago. 

Shailesh Davey, Co-Founder and Vice-President of Engineering at Zoho, said, “Our primary aim with this study was to shed light on the current state of ITDMs and the need for IT democratisation and empowerment for a well-knit organisation today. The swift acceleration of digitalisation catalysed by the pandemic has, without a doubt, made the role that IT plays in enterprises more vital than ever.” 

The report said IT is set to play a greater role in organisations in the next five years. More than two-thirds of ITDMs believe IT teams will be in great position to set IT strategies, 70 per cent said they will need to support other departments so that they can be proactive and innovative, while 69 per cent said they will increasingly adopt new technologies. 

IT democratisation and empowerment will pave the way for a more collaborative workforce in India, the report noted. It found that 53 per cent of Indian organisations have successfully decentralised their IT structure. In addition, 67 per cent of all Indian respondents cited innovation as IT decentralisation’s biggest benefit, and 69 per cent cited maintaining IT security as the biggest challenge.