A Pune-based labour union for employees in the IT sector, Nascent Information Technology Employees Senate (NITES), has asked Tata Consultancy Services to pay full salaries to the selected job candidates who have seen their onboarding delayed by three months by the IT services giant.

After the news of the bribes for jobs scandal broke out, where top executives at TCS were accused of taking bribes to give jobs to certain candidates, the IT giant delayed the onboarding of lateral hires by three months.

Responding to TCS’ decision, NITES said in a statement, “After receiving complaints from employees Nascent Information Technology Employees Senate NITES has registered a complaint with Ministry of Labour and Employment Government of India regarding the delayed onboarding of over 200 lateral recruits by Tata Consultancy Services (TCS). TCS has postponed the onboarding of lateral hires by a period of three months. This unexpected delay has caused immense hardship to the affected employees, who had already resigned from their previous jobs in good faith.”

Citing financial hardships on future employees and their families, NITES has asked TCS to pay the affected candidates full remuneration for the entire three months where their onboarding has been delayed; provide the affected employees access to TCS’s employee assistance programme. Work with the affected employees to find alternative employment opportunities within TCS.

“We believe that these measures are essential to ensure that the affected employees are not unfairly penalized for TCS’s decision to delay their onboarding,” NITES concluded.