Physical rubber prices lost ground on Tuesday. The market opened weak and continued to remain sluggish on buyer resistance but it regained the initial losses partially during late trading hours. Volumes were low.

Sheet rubber slipped to ₹147.50 (₹148) a kg, as quoted by the traders. The grade improved to ₹147.50 (₹147) and ₹144.50 (₹144) respectively, according to the Rubber Board and the dealers.

July futures dropped to ₹148.15 (₹148.91) and August to ₹148.01 (₹148.16) while the September futures firmed up to ₹147.20 (₹146.79) on the National Multi Commodity Exchange.

RSS 3 (spot) improved to ₹130.14 (₹129.31) at Bangkok. June futures closed at ¥207.8 (₹122.58) on the Tokyo Commodity Exchange

Spot rubber rates (₹/kg): RSS-4: 147.50 (148), RSS-5: 142.50 (143); Ungraded: 137.50 (138) ISNR 20: 132 (132.50) and Latex 60%: 122 (122).