Pepper prices slipped on reports of availability of Sri Lankan pepper. Trade sources here told Business Line that Sri Lankan pepper was being offered at ₹750 a kg in the upcountry markets, when the landed cost of it is at ₹650-660 at $10,000-200 a tonne cif India any port. But, buyers were ready at ₹725 and some business had taken place between ₹700 and ₹725. On the spot, 22 tonnes of pepper were traded. Resellers were quoting at ₹730-735 a kg while High range pepper was being offered at ₹740 and Rajkumari at ₹745. Spot prices declined by ₹500 to ₹71,500 for ungarbled and ₹74,000 for garbled a quintal. Export price was at $12,975 (c&f) for Europe and $13,225 a tonne (c&f) for the US.