SBI Life Insurance announced the launch of a unique new age protection solution called 'SBI Life eShield Next’, which ‘levels up’ the protection coverage as the insured achieves life’s major milestones.

It is an individual, non-linked, non-participating, life insurance pure risk premium product and works by ‘levelling up’ the required insurance protection, through an increase in sum assured linked to the significant ‘level-up’ milestones in one’s life, like getting married, becoming a parent or buying a new house, the insurer said in a statement.

“As we progress in life, our term insurance should be able to intelligently take care of our needs as we progress through life’s important milestones. SBI Life eShield Next, with its three plan options, offers a distinctive customization feature that caters to the evolving needs of the consumer,” said Ravi Krishnamurthy, President, SBI Life Insurance.