The Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI) will set up a 14-member “Academic Board” to take care of planning and implementation of all academic activities of students including designing of syllabus, mode of education, designing mode of examination and evaluation system, its President Manish Gupta has said.

The objective of setting up Academic Board is to have a systematic and streamlined process of development/updation of syllabus, assessing  training requirements, designing mode of delivery of education, manner of evaluation etc,  Gupta told businessline.

The Academic Board will take into consideration the economic, regulatory, technological changes impacting the profession and make necessary recommendations to the Council,  through a panel of experts forming part as members of Academic Board which includes  academicians, representatives from regulators, industry, legal profession, IT sector, Human resources, etc, he added.

Beyond syllabus review

Asked about the Syllabus Review Panel, Gupta said that the role of Syllabus Review Task Force is limited to reviewing the syllabus whereas the role of Academic Board is broader beyond syllabus review.  “The syllabus review committee process may also continue to support and complement the Academic Board, with respect to designing and reviewing of the syllabus. Currently, the institute undertakes comprehensive review of the syllabus for every five years”, he added.

Asked if this would be the first time when ICSI will be roping in an external person of eminence to head any committee or Board (like the Academic Board), Gupta replied in the negative. “The Syllabus Review Task Force is always constituted with eminent persons including vice-chancellors, industry experts, legal practitioners, representatives from UGC, retired bureaucrats, practising professionals, finance and IT experts , Governance experts etc. The Chairman of Syllabus Review task force in the year 2022 was Vice chancellor of a leading institution”, Gupta added.