Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong today congratulated BJP’s prime ministerial candidate Narendra Modi and his party on the victory in the Lok Sabha polls.

“Congrats to Narendra Modi and the BJP (Bharatiya Janata Party) on their electoral success!,” said Lee in a post on his Facebook account.

“Looking forward to working with the new Indian Government to strengthen India-Singapore relations,” he said.

He earlier took to microblogging site Twitter to congratulate the BJP leader.

“Congrats to @narendramodi & BJP on their electoral success! Look fwd to working with new Indian Govt to strengthen India—Spore relns. — LHL,” Lee tweeted.

Modi replied to his tweet, calling Singapore a “valued fried’’.

“@leehsienloong Thank you very much. Singapore is a valued friend & I am sure we will make our ties stronger in the times to come,” Modi said in a comment.

India and Singapore maintain close bilateral relations with regular exchange of visits by ministers and trade and businesses delegations as well as defence officials.

The two countries will celebrate 50 years of diplomatic relationship next year.