Online pet care demand is on the rise, with 50 per of Indian pet parents showing an inclination towards adopting online vet consultations due to the convenience and accessibility they offer, according to a survey by Supertails, a tech-enabled pet-care start-up.

India is home to over 32 million pets, and the Indian pet healthcare industry is expected to grow at a CAGR of 3.17 per cent, with the potential to reach up to ₹7,000 crore.

However, the country has 5,000–7,000 companion veterinarians, resulting in a ratio of just one vet for every 5,000 pets. According to the survey, the significant gap in the ratio underscored the essential role of teleconsultations in bridging this gap. It will help people gain access to expert veterinarians for their fur babies.

The growing awareness of Indian pet parents has led to increased demand for specialised services and a surge in veterinary clinics and pet insurance offerings.

The survey collected data from over 400 pet owners, revealing that 38 per cent of Indian pet parents are dissatisfied with their current veterinary consultations and are actively seeking alternative options to ensure better care for their pets.

With the number of Gen Z pet parents on the rise in India, online avenues for pet consultations have opened up, giving pet parents easy access to veterinary services. However, 16 per of pet parents in India avail of online veterinary consultations at the moment.

This number is set to rise in the future as 51 per cent of pet parents from Tier I cities expressed the desire to use online veterinary consultations, along with 33 per cent of pet parents from Tier 2 and 3 cities. This emphasises the growing demand for convenient and cost-effective online consultation options, particularly in Tier I cities.

“Even though there are online services available for pet healthcare, many patients are unaware of them and hence feel the inadequacy of pet healthcare in India. Our surevy reveals the importance of creating awareness about online veterinary consultations and pet healthcare, as there is a huge scope for pet care brands to solve the issues being faced by pet parents in India,” said Aman Tekriwal, co-founder of Supertails, emphasised the importance of these findings.

While quality pet healthcare is essential, the survey revealed that only 35 percent of dog owners adhere to regular 3-month check-ups, compared to 32 percent of cat owners. This underscores the need for pet owners to recognize the importance of regular veterinary consultations for the overall well-being of their furry companions.

Additionally, the data revealed that 49 percent of pet owners tend to overlook the significance of timely deworming for their pets, highlighting the need for greater awareness and prioritization of regular deworming.