What gadgets do you use?

The Samsung Galaxy S4 and BlackBerry keep me connected. My Kodak HD video camera is a prized gadget that I use to keep myself connected to photography.

Which is the latest gadget you picked up?

The Galaxy S4 is the recent addition to my gadget collection.

What brands do you like and why?

I am not fixed on any particular brand, but rather go for what is best, useful and relevant to me.

What is your dream machine?

When it comes to gadgets – my dream gadget is the one that works without freezing up! My dream machine however is a car - the Porsche 911 - which still remains a dream.

What do you not like about technology?

The complete lack of privacy on and offline.

Which apps are you addicted to?

The Grundfos Go app, a mobile tool box for professional users on the go, is the app I use for my work. The other app that I use the most is YouTube.

One anecdote relating to tech

A few months ago, both my phone and hard disk crashed at the same time and I risked losing almost 1500 contacts. Fortunately, the backup on the Cloud saved the day.

One instance where technology solved your problem.

A customer who required a quote urgently was helped by one of my colleagues using the Grundfos Go app from his phone when parked by the roadside. He sent the quote and technical data from his phone within a couple of minutes. This helped win us the business on the ‘Go’!