The US has sought a jail term of 30 to 35 years for American born Lashkar-e-Taiba terrorist David Headley for his role in the Mumbai attacks and other terror activities.

“The Government submits that a sentence of 30 to 35 year’s imprisonment strikes a fair and just balance between the aggravating and mitigating factors applicable to Headley.”

“While there is no question that his criminal conduct was deplorable, his decision to cooperate, and the uniquely significant value that cooperation has provided to the Government’s efforts to combat terrorism, support the Government’s recommendation,” Attorney Gary S. Shapiro said in a 20-page position-paper as to sentencing factor related to Headley.

The US Government’s seeking 30-35 years imprisonment for Headley is far less than when compared to what it had sought for Tahawwur Hussain Rana, who has held guilty by a federal grand jury for providing material support to the Lashkar-e-Taiba and planning a terrorist attack against a Danish newspaper in Copenhagen.

Last week, the court sentenced him to 14 years followed by five years of supervised release.

“Headley played an essential role in the planning of a horrific terrorist attack,” the US Government said, adding that his advance surveillance in India contributed to the deaths of approximately 164 men, women, and children, and injuries to hundreds more.

“Undeterred by the shocking images of death and destruction that came out of Mumbai in November 2008, Headley travelled to Denmark less than two months later to advance a plan to commit another terrorist attack,” the US attorney said.