With his signature healthcare programme ‘Obamacare’ under attack, US President Barack Obama has listed its benefits saying 20 million adults have obtained insurance, while three million children have gained coverage in the last eight years and the uninsured rate is at its lowest.

As ‘Obamacare’ has come in for severe criticism from Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump who has threatened to repeal and replace the Act if voted to power, Obama, in his weekly address to the nation, highlighted its benefits.

“Today, 20 million more American adults know the financial security of health insurance. On top of that, another three million more kids have coverage than when I took office. In fact, never in American history has the uninsured rate been lower than it is right now — and healthcare prices have been rising slower than they have in 50 years,” Obama said.

Thanks to the Affordable Care Act, the coverage is better today than it was before, he asserted.

“You now have free preventive care. There are no more annual or lifetime limits on essential healthcare. Women can get free check-ups, and you can’t get charged more just for being a woman,” the US President said.

“Young people can stay on a parent’s plan until they turn 26. Seniors get discounts on their prescriptions. And no one can be denied coverage just because of a pre-existing condition,” he said, highlighting the importance of his signature programme.

He said his administration’s goal was not just to make sure more people have coverage but it was to make sure more people have “better coverage”.