HP faces herculean task

This refers to the timely Editorial ‘Rain-ravaged HP needs another development model’ ( August 29), which highlights the environmental catastrophe in Himachal Pradesh.

What else could explain 300 unfortunate deaths, damage to property worth over ₹10,000 crore, disruption of water, electricity supplies and about 560 major arterial and rural roads getting blocked by landslides, cloudbursts and floods?

The Editorial hits the nail on the head by pointing to the State’s focus on unsustainable tourism unmindful of the National Green Tribunal’s warning.

State Chief Minister Sukhwinder Singh Sukhu must ‘revisit’ the entire gamut of ill-conceived and unplanned growth.

SK Gupta

New Delhi

Groundwater reality

The article ‘ Groundwater needs a recharge’ (August 29) rings a timely caution. The big dams -- Bhakra-Nangal, Hirakud -- were constructed during the planning period and served the agriculture sector well.

Despite jettisoning Five-Year plans, the present system has no clue about recharging water sources. Lakhs of lakes are gobbled up for real estate development. Desilting existing water bodies, arranging check dams and mandating rain water harvesting are not being taken up for serious consideration. Let us not leave waterless India to our future generation.

AG Rajmohan


RIL succession plan

This refers to the report ‘Ambani scions on RIL board; Mukesh says will be CMD for 5 more years’ (August 29). We should appreciate the evolving succession plan at Reliance which is gaining more prominence and relevance in country’s growth context. World over, succession planning in family owned industrial houses becomes dependent on individuals.

Consequently, smooth transition from one generation to the next becomes more complicated with diversification and growth of areas of specialisation.

We can be proud of India’s industrial houses like Tatas and Ambanis.

MG Warrier


AI regulation

In the backdrop of rapid advancements in AI (artificial intelligence) systems, the government has taken a welcome decision to formulate regulations for AI. While policymakers across jurisdictions have initiated steps towards regulating AI, their approaches vary.

Given the possible large-scale ramifications of AI and the legitimate concerns over privacy to bias and discrimination, security risks and intellectual property rights, it is incumbent upon the international community to foster global collaboration to take on the challenges posed by AI .

As AI is constantly evolving, it warrants a forward-looking approach with a thrust on facilitating innovation.

M Jeyaram

Sholavandan (TN)