Corridor of opportunities

This refers to ‘A Corridor of immense promise’, (September 12). The prospect of building mega cross-country infrastructure that would help boost India’s merchandise trade sounds exciting.

For global producers looking to adopt a China-plus-one strategy, connectivity between the Indo-Pacific region and the Mediterranean, would enhance India’s appeal as a manufacturing hub.

Indeed, the genesis of this economic pathway probably lies in nations wanting to thwart China’s attempts to assert its supremacy over Central Asia and other regions on the BRI route. However, building the alternative route will not be easy. While members, especially the US, sound enthusiastic, they will need to be determined in their efforts so that the grand plan doesn’t remain only on paper.

N Sadhasiva Reddy


The super rich

With reference to the report ‘Super rich derive wealth... ‘ (September 12), the increase of Ambani and Adani’s wealth between 2019 and 2023 is unbelievable especially given that the world was hit by a pandemic in this period.

However, a few individuals becoming rich in a very short time can lead to social conflict.

AG Rajmohan


Settlement issues

This refers to the editorial ‘Fast and furious’ (September 12). The SEBI chief’s proposal to move towards a one-hour settlement cycle as against the present T+1 settlement cycle will make the capital market more vibrant. However, simultaneously the market participants and the financial intermediaries have to scale up their infrastructure and human capital to avoid glitches. If it materialises, it will entice investors, particularly foreign investors due to the lesser risk and funds requirement for maintaining stipulated margins.

The real-time settlement is fraught with the danger of high speculation, resulting in losses to retail investors.

So the market and banking regulators have to ensure that the machinery to carry out the changeover and the beneficiaries of the market are capable, besides possessing the necessary calibre.

VSK Pillai


Transport blues

This refers to the article ‘Transport lessons from Bengaluru’ (September 12). That private buses, autos and taxis were off the road in Bengaluru for half a day on Monday protesting against the State government’s Shakti scheme (wherein women are allowed to travel free in government buses) is plausible. The argument that if women travel in public buses without paying then there will be energy-efficiency in the State, is not acceptable. It must be remembered that some auto and cab drivers lose jobs or underemployed because of the scheme.

What’s important in the economy is generation of jobs and not giving unnecessary subsidies. Moreover, the proportion of bus fare in a family budget is very small and hence affordable.

S Ramakrishnasayee
