A tragic conflict

This refers to the Editorial “Horror show” (November 6). Israel-Palestine conflict is mired in history of bloody conflicts between Jews and Arabs. With big powers using it as a pawn in their rivalry the UN has been unable to find an objective solution to the complex war. The role of Hamas has aggravated the crisis.

Both sides are killing innocent people without any qualms. The distant hope is that these nations agree to find a mutually acceptable solution under the guidance of a group of nations.

YG Chouksey


Farm issues to the fore

This is with reference to the article ‘Farm issues take centrestage in four poll bound States’ (November 6). Announcing farm loan waivers before elections has become a routine act. But this is hardly a solution. What is needed is all round rural development with focus on infrastructure.

Loan waivers also put pressure on the banking system. In India, we need more banks which will lend to poor farmers and small entrepreneurs who now largely rely on local moneylenders. Thirdly, Banks are custodians of public money and that should be used prudently.

Also loan waivers do not reach the needy and get cornered by farmers who have the ability to repay the loans. Hence loan waiver is no solution to farm distress. Let prudence prevail over political gimmicks.

Veena Shenoy


Start-up shake-up

With reference to “Start-ups must create real value” (November 6), in spite of the guidance and support provided by incubators, accelerators and government agencies, majority of the first-generation entrepreneurs lack the business acumen and are under the perceived notion that the moment the innovated product is launched and a patent is registered investors would flock to them with funds.

Not much thought goes into commercializing, marketing and sourcing and retaining the much-needed talent pool, besides ensuring compliances and governance standards for a sustainable business.

Some tech start-ups even resort to raising overseas debt funding without proper due diligence of credit risk involved and making mindless acquisitions.

The present funding winter from PE and VC industry in start-ups has created a resource crunch and a good number have shut their business, fired skilled personnel and restricted their operations for the sake of sustainability. However, the scenario is cyclical and entities should not deviate from the fundamentals of business for sustainable growth.

Sitaram Popuri


Back to brick-and-mortar

It refers to the article ‘Why are e-comm models going brick and mortar?’. When online business started, a lot of us had this apprehension that this will kill the age old brick and mortar business model.

But now things have taken a complete turn. One of the main reasons behind these e-commerce firms going back to brick and mortar models could be that consumers want to have touch and feel about the product they wish to buy and use. This also means that there is enough space for both to grow in India’s huge market. It is all about customer satisfaction and providing her all the options.

Bal Govind
