Coffee consumption in India has increased by a mere 40 per cent to 90 grams over the last decade but is still below the European average of 4 kg a person a year.

“There is potential to increase this in the next couple of years. Coffee Board has proposed a slew of measures to be taken up in the 12th Plan,” said Jawaid Akhtar, Chairman, Coffee Board, on the sidelines of a press conference to announce India International Coffee Festival (IICF) to be held in Bangalore from January 21 to 25.

Coffee consumption in developed countries in North America and Europe is around 4-5 kg. Finland has the highest at 11 kg a person.

Brazil consumes half of its production and has, in the last decade, overtaken US in coffee consumption.

Akhtar said, “In India, nearly two-third of the population do not drink coffee. There is huge potential for us to prepare a detailed roadmap to tap this.” Domestic coffee production is around 3.10 lakh tonnes (lt).

“We anticipate high domestic growth in consumption and excess demand for coffee in the country, which now stands at 1.2 lt, while the rest is exported,” said Akhtar.

Thanks to café culture picking up in the country, in the last 5 to 6 years, domestic consumption growth has been by 5 per cent.

Growth of cafes “Led by retail cafés in the country, branded retail café growth has been phenomenal at 14 to 15 per cent,” said Akhtar.

Talking about domestic consumption, Venu Madhav, Director, Café Coffee Day, said: “The emerging face of coffee in India is reflected in its fast growing ‘café culture’. We are adding lot of new consumers on daily basis. This addition is happening at fast pace in tier-II and -III cities, for the café culture has now entered these cities,” he added.

Coffee fests Anil Kumar Bhandari, President, India Coffee Trust, said, “By holding coffee festivals we are trying to create awareness among coffee growers, and people involved in coffee as to how to market our produce in the global market place. Also through the festival, we are disseminating info on the changing pattern of coffee consumption in the country.”