Laying an inspiration to Government employees in the State, Spices Board India has set up an organic farm at its head office here.

The initiative, assisted by the Kerala State Horticulture Mission, aims at promotion of organic farming. The function held at Spices Board Head office was inaugurated by Spices Board Chairman A Jayathilak by planting vegetable seeds in grow-bags.

“Excess use of pesticides in vegetables is considered to be the key reason for increased number of cancer patients in Kerala. We can curb this by encouraging the production and consumption of organic vegetables,” he said.

Spices Board employees managed to set up 350 grow-bags on the roof top of Spices Board canteen. Out of this, 250 bags were provided by State Horticulture Mission. The slurry from the bio-gas plant of the Board’s canteen is used as fertiliser for the plants. Various vegetables such as spinach, ladies finger, green chilli and brinjal are being grown in the farm.

Under the guidance of KC Ponnappan, Technical Assistant of Engineering Department, a team comprising Santo, Eldose T Joseph, Rojth, Manikandan, Unni, Shashi and Sunny took efforts to make the farm a reality.

The second phase of organic farming, which is expected to commence in June, envisages planting of spices trees in the office premises of Spices Board head office. The Board also indents to distribute grow-bags to the employees with the help of Horticulture Mission.