Project GEIT (Goans Empowered with Information Technology), a flagship initiative of Goa Information Technology Professionals (GITP), a people-driven change happening in the Goan school education system beginning last academic year, is all set to reach out to as many Goan village schools as possible with a nomination-cum-compliance based model.

It is a voluntary community initiative planned, funded and organized by Goan professionals by devoting their personal time, resources and network for the love of Goans in Goa. It is a strictly apolitical people’s movement to spread IT across Goa, said Ms. Sangeeta Naik of GITP on Friday.

Having successfully piloted the project in three Goan village schools (Gokuldem, Neura and Chorao) last year, Project GEIT is now open to all schools of Goa on a nomination-cum-compliance basis. Project GEIT and its activities are suitable and relevant for, and hence limited to, students of Classes 4-9. Preference will be given to village schools over city schools given their disadvantageous scenario with respect to technology access.

Free computer hardware donated by individuals and companies through Project GEIT will be leased to the needy schools on returnable basis limited to their Project GEIT tenure. Project will enable and facilitate benefits to its partner schools from relevant government, corporate as well as private schemes and initiatives. No costs to the participating schools for Project GEIT activities.

The computer teachers of participating schools will be trained free under the project on the necessary technologies, said Ms. Naik.