Karnataka is planning to modify its solar power policy to achieve the 6,000 MW target set by Centre before 2020.

State Energy Minister DK Shivakumar, addressing Bangalore Chamber of Industry and Commerce’s (BCIC) meet on solar energy, sought the active participation of the industry to achieve the target.

Subsidy burden On the ₹8,000-crore subsidy that the State government incurs annually on energy/power and other related doles, Shivakumar said the government is actively contemplating phasing out or drastically reducing the subsidy burden on the government by bringing in efficiency.

“This has been done in the case of domestic power usage and the same may be extended to other sectors as well. This way we will be able to reduce the subsidy burden on the government and the same can be utilised for better purposes,” Shivakumar said.

Power crisis The Minister admitted that the State is facing a severe power crisis. However, he said that despite the difficulties, the State government is able to manage the power crisis by sourcing energy from outside without incurring huge costs.

He said that in the next few months the crisis would be eased as more capacities to the tune of 1,700 MW are being added to the existing grids which are more efficient.

GV Balaram, Managing Director of KREDL, said, “The Centre has set a target of 10 per cent for solar energy by 2020. We are set to reach the target in 2019 and the KERC tariff order has also committed to achieve the same by the date.”

Anuj Sharma, President, BCIC said Karnataka is one of the most luminous States in the country with plenty of sunlight and the target could be achieved by easing land acquisition norms and offering other incentives.