The Tamil Nadu government has assured adequate compensation to farmers hit by the drought due to the failure of the North-East Monsoon.

In an official press release, Chief Minister O Panneerselvam said the entire State is drought-hit following the failure of the Monsoon.

During the October-December North-East Monsoon season, the State received just 168 mm of rains against the normal 440 mm.

Of the 32 districts, 21 received less than 40 per cent of the normal rainfall and 11 districts from 40-65 per cent.

The State government will immediately constitute high level teams with ministers and senior officials for a direct survey of crops in line with the Centre’s guidelines for direct assessment of at least 10 per cent of the crops before announcing a district is drought hit.

The teams will survey up to January 9 and submit a report the next day.

Based on the survey, a formal announcement of the drought conditions will be made and adequate compensation announced, the chief minister said.

Insured crops

Panneerselvam said that 11.01 lakh acres (86 per cent) of the 12.86 lakh acres cultivated in the Cauvery Delta Districts are insured. Over 5.48 lakh farmers have paid an insurance premium of ₹44.81 crore. Similarly, in other parts of the State, 6.71 farmers have paid a premium of ₹36.30 crore. The State’s share of crop insurance premium is ₹410 crore.

Paddy farmers can get a compensation of up to ₹25,000 an acre depending on the level of damage.

Other crops are also eligible for compensation. Farmers need have no fear on losses due to the drought, the chief minister assured in the press release.

Gift package

To celebrate the harvest festival in mid-January, the State government has announced a gift package of 1 kg rice, 1 kg sugar, with raisins, cashew, cardamom and a two-foot length of sugarcane free, to be distributed over the public distribution system.

Over 1.8 crore families eligible to take rice over the PDS will benefit. The gift package will be distributed ahead of the festival, the release said.

Tamil Nadu farmers have been hit by the failure of the South-West Monsoon this season earlier last year, and later by the failure of the North-East Monsoon.

The government had announced a cultivation programme of ₹54 crore in short term summer crop and ₹64 crore in the long term crop starting from August, the release said.