Kanara Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KCCI) has elected Ananthesh V Prabhu as its new President. Prabhu is the Managing Partner of Aruna Industries, manufacturer of Aruna brand of food products.

Anand Pai Ganapathi has been elected as Vice-President of KCCI, and Abdur Rahman Musba as Honorary Treasurer. PB Ahmed Mudassar and Ashwin Pai Maroor have been elected as Honorary Secretaries of KCCI.

Ananthesh Prabhu said KCCI is dedicated to improving regional connectivity and infrastructure. KCCI’s plans include enhancing connectivity to Bengaluru, collaborating on Bharatmala Pariyojana projects, advocating for the relocation of the Coastal Regulation Zone office to Mangaluru, fostering industry-academia connections, and supporting the growth of family businesses, he said.

“A prominent initiative on KCCI’s agenda for the near future is the establishment of a knowledge centre. This centre will serve as a hub for sharing valuable information and promoting economic growth. It will work closely with educational institutions and government agencies to provide training and support in areas such as taxation, laws, IoT and more, through workshops, webinars, and instructional materials,” he said.