After a successful roll-out in five cities, Hindustan Unilever Limited (HUL) has now rolled out Mission HO2PE in Pune.

As part of Mission HO2PE, HUL has partnered with KVN Foundation and Portea Medical to make oxygen concentrators available free of cost to Covid-19 patients.

Through Mission HO2PE, HUL has airlifted over 5,000 oxygen concentrators into India. HUL’s partnership with KVN Foundation and Portea Medical will provide access to oxygen for Covid-19 patients directly in their homes, thereby reducing the pressure on health care infrastructure which is already under duress.

In Pune, Covid-19 patients and caregivers can request an oxygen concentrator by giving a missed call on 08068065385. The Mission HO2PE team will connect with the patient and assist with the request. Once the request is validated, the concentrator will be delivered to the patient’s home. A trained volunteer will also visit to help the patients and caregivers and assist them in managing the functions and operations of the oxygen concentrator.

The program is operating under a ‘borrow-use-return’ model. Post usage, the concentrators will be sanitised, serviced, and provided to the next set of people who need them, thus ensuring the concentrators reach a maximum number of people and help save as many lives as possible.

Sanjiv Mehta, Chairman and Managing Director, HUL said, “We are hopeful that our partnership with Portea Medical will help save the lives of people who are in dire need of medical oxygen as well as reduce the burden on medical infrastructure.”

Meena Ganesh, Co-Founder and CEO, Portea Medical said, “Having treated over 4 lakh Covid patients over the last year, we understand the challenges posed by this pandemic. The second wave is unprecedented and has shown that there is an urgent need to treat patients with oxygen therapy and keep them out of the overflowing hospitals.”

“KVN Foundation expresses its gratitude to HUL for supporting this cause in these challenging times for the nation. The Foundation looks forward to associating with both HUL and Portea Medical to bring relief to the beneficiaries," said Venkat K Narayana, Managing Trustee, KVN Foundation.

Mission HO2PE has been launched successfully in Delhi, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Lucknow and Chandigarh. HUL will also be donating concentrators to hospitals in nearly 35+ locations across urban and rural India.