India’s quick commerce market is expected to witness a 15X growth by 2025, reaching a market size of close to $5.5 billion, according to consulting firm RedSeer. This market size would put India ahead of other leading markets (including China) in terms of quick commerce adoption.

RedSeer’s report on this segment noted that quick commerce boasts of a significantly higher NPS than online grocery delivery incumbents, suggesting that their customers are more likely to recommend them to a friend. One reason for this difference is said to be the faster shopping experience provided by quick commerce platforms.

‘Provide better shopping experience’

“They load online shopping carts faster, have fewer steps required to buy products, and provide a better shopping cart experience overall. It gives people exactly what they want, when they want it, without forcing them to wait days or weeks for delivery. The convenience and speed of quick commerce is a key reason why customers love it and why the segment is only bound to soar upwards,” the report added.

The total addressable market (TAM) for quick commerce in India stands at about $45 billion, and metro and tier 1 cities drive this market on the back of mid-high-income households. Over the last two years, quick commerce has seen a significant uptake in urban areas such as Bengaluru, Chennai, and New Delhi. 

During a recently conducted event by RedSeer, Ground Zero 6.0, Abhishek Gupta, Engagement Manager, RedSeer, said, “India has laid the foundation for a well-positioned market for quick commerce adoption. A large pie is at stake — about $45 billion TAM indicates very large growth potential. The growing online population and an increasing preference for online shopping over brick-and-mortar shopping is enabling this market to grow rapidly”.