Mekins Industries Limited, a manufacturer of automobile packaging, in association with the International Advanced Research Centre for Powder Metallurgy and New Materials (ARCI) and University of Hyderabad, has developed an ultraviolet (UVC) disinfection trolley to fight against Covid-19.

The trolley helps in rapid cleaning of hospital environment, offices, factories, malls, airports and railway coaches.

Mekins has seven factories and supplies to automobile companies across the globe.

Mayank Agarwal, CEO, Mekins Industries Limited, in a statement said, “Our objective was to come out with a cost-effective solution to support our fight against Covid 19. With our company’s expertise in the automobile sector, we were able to develop this UVC-based dis-infectant trolley in a very short time with in-house resources.”

“We are also working to completely automate this trolley and the robotic, IoT-enabled version will be released shortly. Mekins plans to come up with UVC-based box to dis-infect items like purse, wallet, mobile, helmet, keys and courier boxes,” he said.

Inactivating microorganisms

According to Ashutosh Sharma, Secretary, Department of Science and Technology, “Dry disinfection and sterilisation of hospital rooms, instruments and other surfaces in high-risk areas using deep ultraviolet light is a good solution, which is implemented by the designer trolley in a compelling package that brings in ease, speed and efficiency.”

UV light in the range of wavelengths between 200 and 300 nm is capable of inactivating microorganisms, such as bacteria and viruses, thus disinfecting both air and solid surfaces.

Rapid decontamination of used patient-care beds and hospital rooms before admission of subsequent occupants is a major requirement in hospitals in view of the limited availability of beds.