Sohan Lal Commodity Management (SLCM) Group, a post-harvest logistics company, on Monday, said it has received a second patent for its "Agri Reach" application, which allows real-time monitoring of quality control data in warehouse management systems.

The new patent, granted on May 20 by the Indian Patent Office, recognises SLCM's method for monitoring the quality of stored commodities at all stages of warehouse operations to ensure their health through the process, the company said in a statement.

SLCM had previously secured a patent in 2022 for a "method for real-time data management" that enabled centralised monitoring and managing of crops from any location.

With the two patents, SLCM has become India's first company in the agriculture industry to have proprietary solutions for holistically managing both quality and quantity of crops in real-time under a single platform, it said.

"These inventions would go a long way in making the country's agricultural ecosystem self-reliant by bolstering diverse post-harvest facets," SLCM said.

The patented method offers benefits such as unparalleled accuracy of inbound and outbound commodity transactions, streamlined data management processes and a systemised process for quality control checks at all stages of warehouse management.

SLCM Chief Executive Sandeep Sabharwal said the patents solidified the group's leadership position and reinforced its commitment to revolutionising India's agriculture industry through sustained innovation efforts.

The company oversees assets under management worth ₹10,928.82 crore and has a network of 16,877 warehouses and 36 cold storage across India and Myanmar, as of March 31, 2024.