A person should be alert and aware of what is happening in the market, be knowledgeable about the economic recession, the change in Government policies, mergers and acquisitions ... “We should understand the market dynamics to sustain the economy and emerge as assets to the country,” said Mr Ashwin, psychology and soft skills trainer, Win Training.

He was addressing students of the Tagore Engineering College at a BL Club lecture presented by Tata Photon+. He was speaking on the decision-making process that managers need to make.

He said the prevalent ICE age i.e. the information, communication and entertainment age, presented a number of opportunities and one needs to be equipped with key skill-sets such as decision-making skills and team-building to be successful.

Touching upon decision-making, he said one's life is unconsciously programmed by the environment and experience. These factors become conditions in our day-to-day work and the random actions one takes in response might yield good or bad results. So how can one take the right decision and ensure a positive result? What do decisions mean: cutting out all other possibilities and focusing in one direction, he explained.

So, how does one understand the situation before making a decision on it? First, one should take control of reflex actions and unconditional behaviour such as the desire to retaliate. “Keep an open mind always and try to see the right perspective,” he said.

But he cautioned that too much of analysis can lead to paralysis of analysis. So all the collected details, data, facts and figures have to be crystallised.