Art lovers in India can rejoice as the Finance Minister has made it easier for private art galleries to bring works of art from abroad to showcase to an Indian audience.

Till now, works of art and antiquities were exempt from customs duties when imported for exhibition in a public museum or national institution.

Now, the Finance Minister has broadened the scope to include private galleries.

In his Budget speech, Mr Mukherjee said, “I propose to expand the scope of this exemption for works of art and antiquities to also apply to imports for exhibition or display, in private art galleries or similar premises that are open to the general public,” he said.

Temporary import duties to go

“It sounds reformist and a big step. The main hindrance – as we saw even in the recent Art Summit held in Delhi, was the temporary import duties one had to pay.

“ I am excited to hear it,” says Ms Shireen Gandhi of Chemould Art Gallery, Mumbai.

Welcoming the move, Mr Arun Vadehra, Director Vadehra Art Gallery, New Delhi , said: “The Indian art audience is starved of international exhibitions.

“There used to be fair amount of procedural delays in getting works of art from abroad.

“This move should allow us to get art works freely into the country.”

There is also good news for art buyers as the Budget exempts from duties “works of art created by an Indian artist abroad, irrespective of the fact whether such works are imported along with the artist or the sculptor on their return to India.”