The US-India Energy Cooperation Program (ECP) and the US Trade and Development Agency (USTDA) have identified many areas in clean energy and energy-efficient sectors where industry-specific pilot projects and technology exchange projects could be undertaken and funded, a statement said on Tuesday. The areas identified are in solar, renewables, unconventional gas, biomass and wind sectors, it said. The USTDA delegation accompanying the US Commerce Secretary, Mr Gary Locke, as part of the high tech US trade mission to India, apprised the ECP members on the formation and long-term objectives of the ECP, the statement said. The meeting, organised by Amcham India, was chaired by the Chairman of ECP, Mr Ramkrishna Subbaraman, (Vice-Chairman and Executive Director, Caterpillar). Mr Subbaraman has invited suggestions from participants on the areas that could be taken up under the Efficiency and Clean Energy programme. The US India ECP is a public-private partnership launched during the visit of the US President, Mr Barack Obama, to India in November 2010.

The ECP provides a forum for unified communication between the Government of India and the US public and private sector entities to support the acceleration of clean and sustainable energy initiatives.

The ECP's founding members include - Boeing, Caterpillar, General Electric, United Technologies, Ingersoll Rand, Exxon Mobil Gas, Malcolm Pirnie, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Honeywell, IBM, AECOM, Dua Associates, Underwriters Laboratories — and the ECP secretariat is based at Amcham, New Delhi.