Top US lawmakers have sought quick enforcement of the UN Security Council resolution that effectively authorised the use of force in Libya to protect civilians from attack, specifically in the eastern city of Benghazi.

“With Gaddafi’s forces moving towards Benghazi, we must immediately work with our friends in the Arab League and in NATO to enforce this resolution and turn the tide before it is too late,” Senators John Kerry, John McCain and Joseph Lieberman, said in a joint statement.

“We must also build a bipartisan consensus here at home to support the President in taking the swift and decisive measures necessary to stop Gaddafi,” they said, applauding the action by the Security Council authorising “all necessary measures” to impose a no-fly zone in Libya and protect the civilians who are under threat of attack.

They also praised the Obama Administration for getting this resolution passed with such a strong support in the UN Security Council.

“This was an important step on behalf of the people of Libya, but it will only be as effective as its implementation.’’

In another statement, Senator Frank Lautenberg called for the establishment of a no-fly zone to stop Mr Gaddafi from using air attacks against his own people and halt incoming mercenaries and weapons.

In addition, the US Senate passed a resolution co-sponsored by Mr Lautenberg, which condemned Mr Gaddafi and called for a no-fly zone.

“It is welcome news that the Security Council has voted to stop Gaddafi’s slaughter of thousands of Libyan people who are seeking freedom” he said.

“The madness employed by Gaddafi’s guns, tanks, planes and artillery against innocent men and women seeking human rights must be stopped immediately,” Mr Lautenberg said.

The Human Rights Watch too welcomed the UNSC resolution.

“For the second time in a month, the Security Council has defied expectations and risen to the occasion by making clear that all options are on the table to prevent mass atrocities,” Mr Philippe Bolopion, UN Advocacy Director, Human Rights Watch, said.

“We hope that from now on, the Security Council will consistently live up to its duty to protect civilians in Libya and beyond,” Mr Bolopion added.