The Arabian Sea now hosts an extremely severe cyclone after Saturday’s very severe cyclone Biparjoy intensified to peak strength towards the last leg of its journey, and is now eyeing the Saurashtra-Kutch and adjoining South-East Pakistan coast for a likely landfall over the next five days. 

businessline had hinted at the possibility of the cyclone tracking along this route in a report on June 6.

Achieves peak strength 

India Meteorological Department (IMD) said on Sunday evening that Biparjoy over the East-Central Arabian Sea was buffeted by gale winds with speeds reaching 160-170 km/hr gusting to 190 km/hr.

It was located 550 km West of Mumbai; 450 km South-South-West of Porbandar; 490 km South-South-West west of Devbhumi Dwarka; 570 km South-South-West of Naliya; and 750km South of Karachi. 

Landfall by Thursday

Only a step lower in intensity than a super cyclone, Biparjoy will move nearly North till Wednesday morning, then North-North-East to cross the Saurashtra and Kutch and adjoining Pakistan coasts between Mandvi (Gujarat) and Karachi (Pakistan) around Thursday noon as a very severe cyclone with maximum sustained wind speeds of 125-135 km/hr gusting to 150 km/hr.  

Pak Met takes note

The Pakistan Met Department said favourable environmental conditions support Biparjoy to maintain its intensity.

Under the existing upper-level steering winds, it would track North until Wednesday, recurve later to North-East and cross the coast between Keti Bandar (South-East Sindh) and Gujarat by Thursday afternoon, weakened only a notch as a very severe cyclonic storm.

Monsoon advances further 

The monsoon advanced into some more parts of Karnataka, Goa, some parts of Konkan, most parts of Tamil Nadu and Puducherry, and some parts of Andhra Pradesh. Overland, the northern limit passes through Ratnagiri, Shivamogga, Hassan, Dharmapuri, and Shriharikota.

Conditions are favourable for the further advance into some more parts of Karnataka; some more parts of Maharashtra; remaining parts of Tamil Nadu; some more parts of Andhra Pradesh; remaining parts of the North-Eastern States; parts of the hills of West Bengal and Sikkim and Bihar during next two days.