Technology has always played a crucial role in every industry in our country. The agriculture sector is no exception to this. While there are growing global fears about food security, technology emerges as a significant ally for the agricultural industry. From utilising drones to applying artificial intelligence (AI), these technological breakthroughs have become essential tools, providing solutions to the challenges that arise from population expansion, climate change and resource limitations. Thus, it is imperative that novel strategies be implemented globally, to guarantee sustainable and sufficient food production because of the complex interactions between technology and agriculture.

With the United Nations (UN) emphasising declining soil biodiversity and productivity, the global imperative to address food security gains significance. The digital revolution is pivotal in addressing resource depletion and food scarcity. Precision agriculture, a product of this revolution, addresses soil deterioration, enhances yield and significantly contributes to global food security. By employing variable rate technology and utilising soil mapping, nutrient and microbial analysis, this approach integrates bio-fertilisers (nitrogen-fixing, phosphorus solubilising, and potash mobilising bacteria) to minimise costs, optimise effectiveness, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and maintain soil biodiversity, critical for soil health and sustainable agriculture. Major microbial solution providers in India, collaborate with farmers to integrate precision farming and microbial technology as a novel strategy. They aim to work hand in hand with farmers to integrate precision farming and microbial technology as a novel strategy and promote the usage of bio-fertilisers, bio-control of major pests and diseases using drones.

Here’s a look at some recent innovations that are transforming the agriculture sector.

Agricultural drones

Drones for agriculture are easy-to-use, yet are efficient technological tools for production, particularly when it comes to manpower and time savings. Drones speed up tasks, so there is no more time wasted. Additionally, they are very economical, which would relieve the farmer of a great deal of financial burden. Many advances have been made in agricultural drones, making them both easy to use and profitable. For instance, a drone equipped with hyperspectral cameras may help in the early detection of pests and diseases in crop fields, which in turn can enhance the effectiveness of microbial solutions further, through targeted and uniform spray on plants while saving precious water resources.

Mechanisation of agriculture

Energy and production limitations apply to physical labour and hand tools in agriculture. Smallholder farmers, in particular, are resistant to agricultural mechanisation because of its cost, maintenance requirements and accessibility issues. As a result, combined harvesters have become more popular to improve productivity. Small landholdings in Indian farming require cooperation to make use of contemporary machinery. Furthermore, to increase the adoption of mechanisation, governmental initiatives addressing affordability, machine accessibility for small farms and farmer capacity building are all being implemented. Therefore, by reducing post-harvest losses and raising harvest gains, this change has the potential to have a direct and indirect impact on yields, while addressing essential issues in the ever-changing Indian agricultural landscape.

Artificial intelligence

Using artificial intelligence in agriculture is a significant advancement. AI-based modern tools and equipment make it possible to collect data, support precise agriculture and help with well-informed decision-making. Farmers receive crucial information on temperature, rainfall, soil, humidity and other weather-related factors via satellites, drones and remote sensors that collect data on weather patterns in and around the fields whenever needed. However, in a nation like India, where barriers like fragmented landholdings and marginal farming exist, AI is slowly gaining traction. Hence, there’s no denying that AI-based technology can increase production exponentially and provide precision to large-scale farming.


The term “agriculture”, covers a broad range of techniques, such as genetic engineering, conventional breeding techniques and the creation of micro-organisms for agricultural use. Genetic engineering enhances livestock quality by producing high-yielding types and by using the knowledge of DNA to find and manipulate genes to increase agricultural resistance to pests. For farmers and final consumers, the application of biotechnology in agriculture has produced a multitude of advantages. Though some challenging practices have slowed biotechnology acceptance, there is no doubt that the future of agriculture is significantly reliant on safe biotechnology, given the changing environment and population growth.

Livestock monitoring

Large-scale management of livestock, depends heavily on the usage of chips and body sensors, which can help stop outbreaks of diseases. Vital characteristics and signs that could identify diseases early and stop herd infection are measured by chips and body sensors. Similarly, ultrasounds are a helpful tool for determining meat quality. This aids in maintaining and raising the meat’s quality.

Embracing technology: Revolutionising Indian agriculture

The convergence of technical advancements, including biotechnology, artificial intelligence and precision farming, offers an opportunity to move towards sustainable food production in the changing Indian agricultural landscape. Embracing these developments, from drones used in agriculture to livestock tracking, will be essential to solving global issues like food security and diminishing soil productivity and bringing in an exciting new phase of resilient and efficient farming methods.

The author is President, IPL Biologicals Ltd