Homedale Estate– PD fetched the highest price of ₹295 in CTC dust category in Coonoor Tea auctions.

In sale 38, generally a good demand was noticed in the overall CTC dust sales with 94 per cent of the total 19,39,472 kg of dust offerings getting sold.

The medium and plainer sorts witnessed good demand and sold fully firm to dearer by ₹2 to 3. The better medium sorts had fair demand and sold dearer by ₹3 to 4 more at times in line with quality. However, the high-priced and better liquoring sorts were lower by ₹3 to 4 and more at times, Global Tea Auctioneers said.

In leaf category, the quantity offered both in CTC and orthodox was 14,75,400 kg and 83 per cent of the total offerings was sold.

In CTC leaf, the high-priced and better liquoring sorts were easier by ₹3 to 4 and more at times with some withdrawals. The better medium sorts were barely steady to easier by ₹2 to 3.

The medium sorts had fair demand and sold steady to dearer by ₹1 to 2 and more at times. The plainer sorts were barely steady to easier by ₹1 to 2 with some withdrawals particularly on the bolder grades.

In leaf orthodox, the primary whole leaf grades had less demand and were sold easier by ₹4 to 5 and more at times with some withdrawals. The brokens had fair demand and sold dearer by ₹4 to 5 and more at times in line with quality. The secondaries and fannings had less demand and were easier by ₹2 to 3.