Low arrivals of tea continue to hit Coonoor tea auctions with prices of almost all varieties showing a declining trend. Dropping mercury levels are stated to be the reason for lower crop in the trading sessions.   

In sale 9, high-priced and better liquoring sorts in CTC leaf were lower by ₹3 to 4 and more at times. The better medium sorts were also lower by ₹1 to 2 with some withdrawals. The mediums were barely steady to easier by ₹1 to 2. The plainer sorts had less demand and sold lower by ₹2 to 3 and more at times with fair withdrawals.

Global Tea Auctioneers said the quantity offered in leaf grades was 8,14,491 kg in which only 72 per cent was sold. In dust grades, the total quantity offered was 3,04,302 kg and 90 per cent got sold.  

Homedale Estate-RD sold at ₹355 was the highest price realised in the leaf and dust category for any CTC-bought leaf factory, the auctioneer said.

High-priced CTC dusts dip

The primary whole leaf grades in leaf orthodox had fair demand and sold dearer by ₹3 to 4. Brokens ruled steady to dearer by ₹2 to 3.

The high-priced teas and better liquoring sorts in CTC dust were lower by ₹4 to 5. The better medium sorts were also easier by ₹2 to 3, occasionally some quality lots sold dearer by ₹1 to 2. The medium and plainer sorts were generally ruled easy by ₹2 to 3.

In dust orthodox, primary orthodox dust grades witnessed a fair demand and sold dearer by ₹8 to 10. The secondaries and finer dusts were barely steady around last levels.