Proposing ideas for the formulation of a national mariculture policy, the mechanised fishing boat operators has suggested not to encroach on the areas vouched by traditional fishermen as their safest zone for fishing.

Hailing the initiative, they pointed out that the selection of the area to the mariculture sector should be carried out after assuring that farming will not affect water currents.

Any retardation in the flow of water may derail the eco fragility.

Replying to the draft outline circulated on the formulation of National Mariculture Policy by CMFRI, Joseph Xavier Kalappurackal, General Secretary, All Kerala Fishing Boat Operators Association, pointed out that the food given to the fish should be quality-oriented lest water pollution may entail endangering the natural-born species.

He cited the instance of the Pearlspot Aquaculture Project near here where the food fed to fish was mostly pellets made from chicken waste, thereby affecting the quality of the fish from these farms.

The fishing boat operators also raised apprehension on the availability of quality seeds to mariculture for such a vast area in the sea.

The study and implementation of basic amenities to the project is also important.

The fishing boat operators also demanded that the financial and technical know-how extended and augmented should not be limited to big corporates.

According to CMFRI committee, which formulated the draft mariculture policy, the country requires five million tonnes from mariculture production alone to meet the food demand in 2050.

It is not possible to depend on marine capture fishery always and mariculture is a better alternative to meet the demand.

Mariculture activities include cage fish farming, bivalve farming, pen culture, seaweed culture, hatcheries and nurseries based on scientific criteria.