Tea dregs — both green and black — are a common sight after brewing. But dregs can now become a thing of the past.

Kerala-based Synthite Group has come out with a green tea under the brand name ‘Sprig’, which is 100 per cent soluble in water. The company claims that this is the first cold-crafted tea of its kind in the world.

Aju Jacob, Joint Managing Director, Synthite Group, said normal green tea is made from dried tea leaves which leave a residue behind.

But, Golden Matcha Sprig green tea is made from fresh tender green tea leaves powder made with cold crafting technology which ensures that all ingredients like antioxidants and their benefits are available to the user.

This also brings in user-friendliness as there is no wastage. “We got inspired by the Japanese Matcha (powdered green tea) which is known for its benefits,” said Jacob.

Niche product

On the manufacturing process, he said tender tea leaves are sourced from selected gardens of Tata Tea in Munnar and are transferred in refrigerated containers to the green tea extraction plant at Synthite Taste Park in Pangode near Kochi.

After taking the juice, it is filtered and centrifuged. To prevent the loss of the aroma and flavour components of the product, a thin film distillation technology concentrates juice without any heat impact. Then it gets spray dried to become the final instant green tea product, said Jacob.

Marketed by the group subsidiary Intergrow Brands, the product is available both offline, online, and in export markets.

Jacob said, “Sprig is a global specialty ingredient and gourmet product. It includes tea as cold soluble green and black tea products. It is for the niche market and is growing at a steady pace.”