The Centre for Plant Protection Studies at the Farm Varsity here has cautioned rice farmers about the possible outbreak of pests and diseases due to abnormal weather and rains in different parts of Tamil Nadu.

Rice Blast

The possibility for the outbreak of rice blast and brown leaf spots in paddy is particularly high in the coastal rice growing belt. The blast symptoms appear as spindle-shaped lesions with white to grey-green darker borders. The older lesions will be whitish with necrotic borders. Delayed application of nitrogenous fertiliser and immediate spray of carbendazim or tricyclazole or metominostrobin would help control the infestation, the University has, in a statement said.

For control of brown spot disease, farmers are advised to spray mancozeb 2 to 3 times at 10 to 15 days interval based on the intensity of the disease.

Brown Planthopper

This sucking pest can be serious in areas where drainage problem is more. The insects multiply rapidly and suck the sap from plant base. The field will appear burnt up and the typical damage symptom in plants called “hopper burn” will be noticed

While advising farmers to avoid resurgence causing and synthetic pyrethroid group of insecticides, the farmer Varsity urges farmers to drain the water from the field before spraying chemicals at the base of the stem for management of brown planthopper.

Rice Leaffolder

Leaffolder can be severe in the rice crop at the vegetative stage. The incidence, according to the Directorate of Plant Protection Studies, has already been recorded in around 1000 hec (of rice fields) in Tirupur district

Highlighting the symptoms of leaffolder infestation, the scientists point out that the larvae feeds on the leaves of rice by rolling the leaves. The affected leaves will dry and in severe cases, the plant would wilt. While advising farmers to apply chemical insecticides such as cartop hydrochloride or flubendiamide, the Varsity experts say that light traps would help attract adult moth.

Rice Stemborer

The stem borer incidence would be more prevalent in the samba season crop and could occur during the dry spell after the rains.

The incidence can be noticed by the dead heart in young crops and white ear in matured crops. The central shoot turns dry and the plant dies in the early stage of the crop. The grains become chaffy.

Farmers are advised to monitor the adult activity and egg mass in the crop. At the time of transplanting, the leaf tips can be clipped to remove egg mass and the transplanted fields monitored periodically to avoid further incidence.

The other incidences could be the Rice army worm – a gregarious caterpillar feeding on the rice plant and Rice Fallow pulses, which is a wet root rot, generally affecting the crop in low lying areas.