Women farmers in Moothakunnam and Chettuva have reaped a bumper harvest of green mussels under the guidance of Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute (CMFRI).

Units of Kerala’s poverty eradication and women empowerment programme Kudumbashree reaped a total yield of 1.5 tonnes of mussels from Moothakunnam in Ernakulam district and 350 kg from Chettuva in Thrissur. They started farming in December last year in mussel farms (racks) made of bamboo poles.

After the harvest, the produce underwent depuration, a scientific process of expelling contaminants from the gills and guts of mussels by providing them with well-purified seawater before they are used for consumption which was also developed by the CMFRI.

Depurated mussel meat from the farms is available for sale in the CMFRI. It can be got from the Agriculture Technology Information Centre (ATIC) at  ₹200 for a 250-gm packet.

Mussels are rich in protein, lipids, carbohydrates, minerals (calcium, iron, copper, zinc, phosphorus) and vitamins.