The Tamil Nadu Chamber of Commerce and Industry has urged the Election Commission to issue immediately guidelines and clarifications on carrying cash for genuine commercial transaction.

In a statement here, the Senior President of the Chamber, Mr S. Rethinavelu, while welcoming the stern actions initiated by the Election Commission to check vehicles to monitor movement of huge amount of cash meant for distribution to voters, said that indiscriminate seizure of cash from vehicles and remittance in Government treasuries has shocked and alarmed trade and industry throughout the State.

He said that it is necessary for businessmen to carry substantial amount of cash while moving from one district to another for purchase of agricultural produce and for payment of other commercial transactions.

If such amounts are snatched away in the absence of proper documents, commercial activity would come to a standstill in Tamil Nadu. Businessmen are worried that anti-social elements and criminals might take advantage of the situation and forcibly make businessmen part with money by posing as revenue officials.

It is crucial that the Election Commission comes out immediately with clear cut guidelines and list out the documents that businessmen need to carry to authenticate the purpose for which cash was being carried by them, he urged and added that on no account, genuine business transactions should be impeded or hampered.