Fifty-one per cent of buyers identified poor customer service as the leading issue concerning kitchen appliances, according to an online survey conducted by Kapture CX. This was followed by limited repair availability (29 per cent), hidden fees (10 per cent) and lack of self-serve options (10 per cent).

According to the report, brands that sell consumer durables must constantly upgrade their systems to resolve consumer complaints quickly and effectively. This is crucial as appliances are often at risk of getting damaged or inoperable due to wear and tear, frequent power outages, unideal usage or even inherent manufacturing defects.

Gaurav Juneja, CRO of Kapture CX, said, “In this increasingly competitive market, companies are risking losing customers, business and growth by not investing in a good customer service platform. Such platforms should be able to deliver seamless, personalised and efficient customer experiences across various touchpoints. Brands can not only differentiate themselves by doing so, they can avoid damaging their reputation too.”

AI-driven chatbots in customer service

The report also recommended that consumer durable brands use AI-driven chatbots and predictive analytics to enhance efficiency and streamline customer interactions. It alsoemphasised transparent pricing to avoid hidden charges and suggested that customer support be user-friendly and simple yet effective.

(Inputs by bl intern Vidushi Nautiyal)